The main aim of this article is to show how a GraphQL query is parsed and validated before execution. Here, I assume the reader knows about what is GraphQL?; how to compose GraphQL schema?; what is GraphQL query? and what are resolvers, mutations and subscriptions? If you are not familiar with these concepts, I suggest you read my previous article first.
Software service architecture, RESTful, GraphQL, GraphQL architecture, Query, mutations, resolvers.
1. Introduction
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how to get started with
[2] and its main working paradigm. Here is the link to Part 1 of article: How to get started with GraphQL?. This article uses images extracted from medium post by Christian Joudrey [5].As mentioned in the previous post,
query systems provides flexibility to the clients to formulate and query backend. Having said that, let us look at GraphQL Query given below:query getPatient { Patient(_id: "5cdbe44c25c6150ac290fe87") { id resourceType name { use family given } gender } }
In order to get results from above query, it undergoes several steps including query parsing, query lexing, query validation and then query execution as shown in figure 1. Let us examine each steps closely.
GraphQL Query Parsing, ExecutionFig.1 - GraphQL Query Parsing, Lexing, Validation and Execution

2. Lexing
When a client execute a GraphQL query (via an
Request), the first thing the server needs to do is transform the query into comprehensible format. This process is known as lexing and parsing. Lexing or lexical analysis is the process of breaking up a stream of character into tokens.
An Example of lexing of a GraphQL QueryFig.2 - An Example of lexing of a GraphQL Query
The rules the GraphQL lexer uses to split up the query are defined in the GraphQL grammar. Lexer for
can be found in the library for interested user to understand how lexing actually works. The core of the lexer is based on regular expressions. The lexer analyzes the query string, and whenever it finds a token that matches a regular expression on the left, the action on the right are executed.
Query (left) and tokens (right)Fig.3 - Query (left) and tokens (right)
As illustrated in the figure 3, none of the whitespaces are shown in the token list. This is because spaces and tabs are part of the ignored tokens in the
grammar rule. After lexer, the sequences of tokens are turned into a more abstract form. This step is called parsing.3. Parsing
The rules for parser are defined in the GraphQL Grammar. The rules defined in the Grammar are very comprehensive and helps the readers to better understand the language.

GraphQL Grammar ExcerptFig.4 - GraphQL Grammar Excerpt
Here is what the excerpt in figure 4 is saying:
- The root of all
queries is known as aDocument
- A
has one or manyDefinition
- A
can be either aExecutableDefinition
- An
can beOperationDefinition
- An
is either aSelectionSet
optionally followed byName
or optionally followed byVariableDefinition
or optionally followed byDirectives
- A
has one or manySelection
- A
can beField
and so on.
Multiple rules depend on other rules and the Grammar defines all of them. If you continue reading the rules, ultimately the token starts appearing. For example, the rule for
states that it can be one of the following query
, mutation
or subscriptions
[2]. This is what we discussed in the previous article.
Parser Visual RepresentationFig.5 - Parser Visual Representation
Figure 5 shows a visual representation of the example query above once it is been parsed out. If you are interested more in learning about how parser has been implemented in
, here is the file one should be looking into. After parsing, the structure we get is referred to as Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) [4].For the query given below, the AST looks like one in the figure 6:
query PostsForAuthor { author(id: "1") { username posts { title votes createdAt } } }

Abstract Syntax TreeFig.6 - Abstract Syntax Tree
The next step in the query execution is query validation which is discussed in the next section. In order to get deeper understanding of the lexers, parsers and AST, I recommend the reader to read COMPILER DESIGN: SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC ANALYSIS by: Reinhard Wilhelm, Helmut Seidl, Sebastian Hack.
4. Validation
Figure 6 shows the AST of the example query. At this point, it is clear that the query is syntactically correct. But it does not mean, it is executable. There could be plethora of issues with it:
- The
type could well not have ausername
- The argument
could not have typeInt
- The
may not have one or many validfield
The parser doesn’t care about these phases. It is the job of the validation phase. The
specification has entire section that covers about the validation. There are several implementations for GraphQL
query validation including JS version. When it comes to the validation, there is one thing that is common: the visitor pattern. While Wikipedia provides a theoretical explanation of the visitor pattern, I’d like to explore how it’s used in GraphQL implementations to power the validation phase. We’ll also look at some sample code from GraphQL.js.First, let’s start with a simple query and its AST representation:

Abstract Syntax Tree validationFig.7 - Abstract Syntax Tree Tree validation
In order to determine whether the query can be executed or not, GraphQL.js
function will traverse the AST using a depth-first traversal
. In other words, it will start at the root of the AST (in this case, the Document node) and it will explore as far as possible along the first branch before backtracking and continuing on to the next branch.
Depth-first traversal of our example queryFig.8 - Depth-first traversal of our example query
Visitors (in this case, validations rules) can watch as the AST is being traversed and perform actions when a certain type of node is reached. In
, visitors can be implemented in different ways, but in their simplest form they are an object with a enter and leave function.During the traversal, when a node is reached the
function of the visitor will get called. When backtracking, the visitor’s leave
function gets called.Here’s a simple visitor that logs whenever a node is entered or left. Notice in this example we are using
function to traverse the AST. This is the same function that validate uses.import { visit } from 'graphql/language/visitor' import { parse } from 'graphql/language' const query = ` query { viewer { username email } } ` var indent = '' var visitor = { enter(node) { console.log(`${indent}Enter ${node.kind}`) indent = indent + ' ' }, leave(node) { indent = indent.substring(0, indent.length - 2) console.log(`${indent}Leave ${node.kind}`) } } visit(parse(query), visitor) // Output: // // Enter Document // Enter OperationDefinition // Enter SelectionSet // Enter Field // Enter Name // Leave Name // Enter SelectionSet // Enter Field // Enter Name // Leave Name // Leave Field // Enter Field // Enter Name // Leave Name // Leave Field // Leave SelectionSet // Leave Field // Leave SelectionSet // Leave OperationDefinition // Leave Document
Some GraphQL rules might only be interested by a specific type of node. For example, a rule might want to validate that an
always has a name
(i.e. query Name { .. }.) For this reason each GraphQL.js
rule can decide to hook onto individual types of nodes. This can be done by nesting the enter and leave functions under a key named the same as the kind of AST node of interest.Here’s an example of a visitor that only cares about when an
node is entered:import { visit } from 'graphql/language/visitor' import { parse } from 'graphql/language' const query = ` query FetchViewerUsernameAndEmail { viewer { username email } } ` var visitor = { OperationDefinition: { enter(node) { console.log(node) } } } visit(parse(query), visitor) // Output: // // { kind: 'OperationDefinition', // operation: 'query', // name: // { kind: 'Name', // value: 'FetchViewerUsernameAndEmail', // loc: { start: 9, end: 36 } }, // variableDefinitions: [], // directives: [], // selectionSet: // { kind: 'SelectionSet', // selections: [ [Object] ], // loc: { start: 37, end: 88 } }, // loc: { start: 3, end: 88 } }
key in the above example can be replaced with any valid AST
node kind to observe that kind of node. A visitor can also observe multiple node kinds at once by setting the corresponding keys.Now that we have a better understanding of the visitor pattern and how visitors are implemented in
, we can add the missing parts to turn this visitor into a GraphQL.js validation rule.import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql/error' function OperationHasName(context) { return { OperationDefinition: { enter(node) { if (!node.name) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( `The operation \`${node.operation}\` is missing a name.`, [node] ) ) } } } } }
If you’re interested in learning more about the validation phase, check out
inside src/validation
folder. A lot of what was discussed is explained as comments in the code.5. Execution
Once the query is validated against these rules, it is simply executed. The resolvers then fetches the data from backend and responds back to the user.
6. Conclusion
GraphQL is a protocol and a query language. GraphQL API [1] can access data stores directly but for most use cases GraphQL API is a data aggregator and an abstraction layer. The layer that improves velocity of development, decreases maintenance and makes developers happier. For these reasons, GraphQL makes even more sense for a public API. GraphQL is meant to be used for client applications, where network bandwidth and latency are critical. It provides clients, the ability to query an object graph (a hierarchical structure of related objects). Using GraphQL, clients also get to choose what fields need to be included in the response. This makes it a whole lot simpler and easier to use and manage data fetching on the client’s end.
- Li, J., Xiong, Y., Liu, X., & Zhang, L. (2013). How does web service API evolution affect clients? In Proceedings - IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2013. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICWS.2013.48
- GraphQL Mutation: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/graphql/graphql_mutation.htm.
- GraphQL: https://graphql.org/learn/
- Abstract Syntax Tree https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree
- Original Source: https://medium.com/@cjoudrey/life-of-a-graphql-query-validation-18a8fb52f189